CPES 2025 Thesis Award

The Canadian Philosophy of Education Society has instituted an annual CPES Thesis or Dissertation Award to recognize an outstanding thesis or dissertation that addresses significant issues in philosophy of education. CPES invites submissions from all philosophical traditions in either English or French. Authors must be members of CPES at the time of submission, and the thesis or dissertation must be completed at a Canadian university, to be considered for the Award.

The CPES Thesis and Dissertation Award Committee will review Master’s (M.Ed. and M.A.) theses and Doctoral (Ed.D. and Ph.D.) dissertations on alternate years (odd numbered for Master’s, even numbered for Doctoral). The 2025 award is for MA and M.Ed Thesis only.

Award recipients will receive a certificate from the CPES Thesis and Dissertation Award Committee plus, a cash award of five hundred dollars ($500.00). We hope the award money contributes to helping the recipient attend the conference. The award-winning work will be named along with some commendatory remarks at the CPES Annual Dinner., at which time the award winner will be invited to publicly accept the award.

Check out the full call below!